Rayner scraps levelling up slogan from department Mortgage Strategy


The Deputy Prime Minister has ditched the term ‘Levelling Up’ from the department she leads calling it a “gimmick”.

Angela Rayner wrote on X: “No more gimmicks and slogans, but the hard yards of governing in the national interest.

“The department I lead will be the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.”

The ministry had been called the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, under the previous government.

In a later local London radio interview Rayner added: “Levelling up was only ever a slogan and it’s important that people realise that we are absolutely committed to making sure that every community in every part of the country realise the difference of a Labour government.”

Rayner together with Prime Minister Keir Starmer also met all of England’s regional Mayors in 10 Downing Street today to discuss the establishment of local growth plans, which will include housing projects.

The Deputy Prime Minister said the meeting was characterised by “proper, grown up conversations with our regional Mayors, to make changes that help them deliver local economic growth with better housing, education and jobs for local people”.

Yesterday, Chancellor Rachel Reeves confirmed that the government will loosen planning restrictions and bring back compulsory housebuilding targets in a bid to build 1.5 million homes over the next five years.

Reeves said local authorities will have the power to decide where housing is built — but added but they can be overruled nationally if councils fail to meet their targets.

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