Virgin Money increases rates across fixed mortgage line-up | Mortgage Strategy


Virgin Money is increasing rates across selected fixed rate mortgage products.

In its core residential range, across two year fixes, 65% LTV products with fees of £995 will increase by 0.01% to 1.93%, while 75% LTV products will increase by 0.02% to 1.95%.

Products with 85% LTV across two-year fixes with fees of £995 will increase by 0.02%, to 2.05%, while fee-saver products with 65% and 75% LTV across two-year fixes will increase from 0.10% to 2.18%, and by 0.08% to 2.18% respectively.

Fee-saver products with 85% LTV across two year fixes will increase by 0.02%, to 2.29%.

Those with an LTV of 75% across 10-year fixes with fees of £995 will increase by 0.03% to 2.55%.

Across its two year fixes, with 80% LTV and a £995 fee, rates will increase by 0.08% to 2.14%.

Selected buy-to-let (BTL) products with 60% LTV across fixed rates will increase by up to 0.12%.

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