Precise Mortgages cuts BTL rates and fees | Mortgage Strategy


Precise Mortgages has cut rates and fees across its buy-to-let personal ownership, houses in multiple occupation and limited company products.

The specialist lender has also introduced products with a refund of valuation and £500 cashback across its remortgage range.

It adds that top slicing is available on all products, which allows customers to use surplus portfolio or earned disposable income to prove they can meet financial stresses on a new loan application, rather than through the rental income of the property alone.

Highlights across its core and limited company range include:

A 75% loan to value two-year fixed-rate loan at 2.79% , with a 0.5% fee, a 50 basis points fee reduction

A 75% LTV five-year fixed-rate deal at 3.09%, with a 1.5% fee, a 30bps rate reduction 

A 80% LTV two-year fixed-rate loan mortgage 3.69%, with a 1.5% fee, a 10bps reduction in rate and 50bps in fee

Products with a fixed £3,995 fee for loan sizes between £300,000 and £750,000, have had their rates cut by 20bps.

Highlights across its HMO and limited company range include:

A HMO 75% LTV five-year fixed-rate loan at 3.34%, with a 1.5% fee, a 35bps rate reduction.

Products with a fixed £3,995 fee for loan sizes between £300,000 and £750,000, have had their rates cut by 25bps.

The firm also allows landlords to have up to 20 buy to let mortgages to a combined value of £10m, with no limit with other lenders.

Precise Mortgages group sales director Adrian Moloney says: “We’re offering competitive pricing, reduced rates and affordability options, all backed up by our award-winning sales teams who have the knowledge and expertise to help get cases over the line. 

It’s an absolutely winning combination especially as brokers know that they can rely on us for our straightforward criteria and upfront decision making.”

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