Accord brings 90% LTV mortgages to core range | Mortgage Strategy


Accord has introduced a series of 90 per cent LTV mortgage products to its core range.

These will be available “on a more consistent basis” following a period of higher-LTV mortgages only being listed for limited periods.

The new releases include remortgage products, available for the first time since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The products include a two-year fix at 3.69 per cent and a five-year fix at 3.79 per cent, both charging £995 product fee and for either purchase or remortgage.

As well as this, Accord has reduced rates and product fees for some of its existing products ta up to 85 per cent LTV, while end dates have been extended until April.

Highlights include the 75 per cent LTV two-year fix for purchases going from 2.18 per cent to 2.07 per cent and having its £990 product fee cut to £495 and the 85 per cent LTV two-year fix for purchases receiving the same fee cut and a rate decrease from 3.25 per cent to 3.19 per cent.

Additionally, the remortgage product at 75 per cent LTV on a five-year fix has had its rate changed from 2.08 per cent to 1.95 per cent and the same fee cut as above.

Accord director of intermediary distribution Jeremy Duncombe says: “The steps we have taken over the last few months have enabled us to manage volumes whilst maintaining service levels. We are therefore able to provide these popular products as part of our core range with options for both home purchase and remortgage which are accessible to as many borrowers as possible.

“We will continue to monitor service levels but are confident that the criteria changes and increased resource, combined with the support we have received from brokers, have all helped increase our capacity meaning we can offer 90 per cent LTV products for the foreseeable.

“We remain committed to supporting the housing market and hope that as we go into 2021 more lenders will join us to ensure that advisers have as broad a range of products to offer their clients as possible.”

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