Home and condo prices up by double digits in July


Dane County home and condo prices posted big increases in the month of July. Here's a quick snapshot.

Home prices were up by 12 percent.

The price per square foot increased from $189 in July of 2021 to $213 in July of 2022.

Condo prices were up by 17 percent.

The price per square foot increased from $180 in July of 2021 to $211 in July of 2022.

Where will prices go from here?

Keep in mind the July numbers are the result of offers that were written in the months of May and June, back when there was less inventory and more demand. Although we do expect the growth in prices to moderate, we do not expect prices to fall. That's because inventory is still quite low by historical standards, even though it has been on the rise. For this and other systemic reasons, we fully expect Dane County real estate will continue to be a solid, long-term investment.