Waterfront Way Foundation Waterfront Properties


Community foundations typically accept charitable donations and grant funds to a wide variety of causes, such as community services, the arts, education, the environment, health, and disaster relief within a specific geographic region. Here in Jupiter the Waterfront Way Foundation gifted Jupiter High School students a glistening new school bus as a holiday gift following a match-by-match donation. A total of $107,000 was raised for the new motor vehicle.  

The former bus was lacking air conditioning as well as wheelchair access. Without these enhancements it made transporting the students in the Exceptional Student Education Program far more challenging. The new bus will be instrumental in bringing these exceptional students to area businesses for hands-on training.

The Waterfront Way Foundation, formerly Charities for Children,is a community non profit organization.  It has been focused on enriching the lives of children for two decades. The foundation has contributed to helping the community in many ways. Foster children, from Place of Hope, have been afforded vacations with their families as well as partnering with Big Dog Ranch Rescue to cover adoption fees so 25 first responders. In the future, plans for the foundation include helping Jupiter High School raise funds to ensure Jupiter High School continues with the athletics program.