Comment: Lets celebrate difference | Mortgage Strategy


Coming into the new-build mortgage sector as a young female professional in the early 2000s, I remember it was quite a male-dominated environment.

We have come a long way since then with many females now holding senior positions across the industry.

However, there is definitely still progress to be made in terms of diversity across all industries, not just the mortgage sector. And what I mean by diversity is having a mix of cultures, religions and genders throughout all industries.

The most valuable lesson I have learned throughout my career is the importance of bringing one’s own personality to the work environment.

I have always been professional in my approach, but everyone is different and there should be no judgements on that.

Fighting stereotypes

A problem I often faced when starting out in the industry was that I didn’t fit the stereotypical look of someone working in the mortgage advice new-build sector.

Most senior brokers at that point were Caucasian middle-aged men. I have always been quite a confident, outgoing person but, because I looked different from the stereotypical broker at that time in society, sometimes I got the feeling certain individuals felt threatened by my confidence in the role.

On the flip side, before I even opened my mouth in certain situations or boardrooms, I would be fighting to show people the skills and talent I possessed because I was being judged for the way I looked and dressed — and, frankly, because I was a young female who didn’t fit the stereotype.

At the time, that kind of attitude used to really get to me, but luckily we’ve moved on since then. I have also grown older and wiser, so maybe that is a factor too.

But, to return to the original point of this article, everyone should bring their personality and authenticity to work. The fact that everyone is different is what makes the world go around and no one should be judged for being slightly more confident or louder, and nor should the next person for being quieter and more reserved.

The way I approach my work has helped me build some of the strongest relationships I’ve ever had in the new-build sector, thus helping Mortgage Advice Bureau to break records.

Something I have always carried with me in my career is to learn from mistakes and not be afraid of making them. You aren’t human if you have never admitted to making a mistake, and I think that’s something people often lose sight of in the busy ‘always on’ world we now live in. We shouldn’t feel pressured to be somebody we aren’t and that’s why race, gender, religion, personality or sexual orientation should never come into play when we look at the opportunities people are afforded in society.

Eliminating prejudice

If we approach diversity from a recruitment perspective, there are simple things employers can do, such as request that candidates do not put photos or names on their CV when applying for a role, which immediately eliminates any underlying prejudice, whether conscious or not.

As for the mortgage industry, remembering that we are all different is something that can help us all.

Also, learn to recognise when prejudgements are being made, and do something about those feelings by either speaking up or remembering that no one should be judged on anything less than their professional performance and their ability to perform in a given role.

Mobeen Akram is new homes account director at Mortgage Advice Bureau

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