Dynamo for Intermediaries launches new protection panel | Mortgage Strategy


Dynamo for Intermediaries has introduced a new protection panel for its club members.

The panel features insurers such as LV=, Legal & General, Royal London and Scottish Widows and is available through Iress, Webline, iPipeline SolutionBuilder, and UnderwriteMe.

The new setup features a zero retained commission initiative, which has members receiving 100 per cent of their commission payable through to January 2022.

Dynamo founder and chief executive Ying Tan says: “Protection is so often overlooked, yet the importance of the correct protection for both individuals and landlords cannot be overstated.

“Intermediaries have such a key role to play both in educating their clients and ensuring that the right level of protection is in place. By launching our new protection proposition, we are equipping our members with the necessary tools to provide the very best service.”

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