Foundation makes fee cuts on limited company products | Mortgage Strategy


Foundation Home Loans has made a series of product fee reductions across its limited edition limited company buy-to-let mortgages.

The F1 75% LTV two-year fix at 2.99% has had its product fee cut from 1% to 0.75%, as has the F1 HMO two-year fix at 3.34%, also available at up to 75%.

And the F1 75% LTV five-year fix at 3.24% has had its product fee cut from 1.5% to 1%.

Foundation commercial director George Gee comments: “Cutting the fees on the products allows us to provide an ultra-competitive limited company offering to those landlord borrowers utilising these vehicles to either purchase or remortgage.

“We’re acutely aware that landlords want to keep such costs as low as possible and coupled with the compelling rates and criteria – particularly around loan size, background portfolio and ICR – we believe we are offering an excellent range of options to these borrowers.”

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