PRIMIS product desk queries up 10% YoY | Mortgage Introducer


The monthly average of broker queries received by the product desk during 2020 was 2,083.

During July, the most common queries from brokers were around cladding, joint borrower sole proprietor mortgages and expat borrowing.

PRIMIS’ product desk team addresses the majority of queries from advisers within three to four hours and is currently operating an email and call back only service until staff reoccupy offices.

Vikki Jefferies (pictured), proposition director at PRIMIS, said: “Today’s figures demonstrate the success of our product desk in assisting brokers over the past month, with queries 10% higher than July last year.

“This increase is especially interesting given the high levels of uncertainty in the market at that time. We are obviously very pleased to see that brokers have continued to find value in our support.

“The results, however, show that there are still some challenges to overcome in terms of the cladding crisis, Brexit disruption and the continued effects of the pandemic.

“We will continue to invest in our broker relationships, providing 24-hour support through our Product Desk and Virtual Experts page to assist brokers with whatever they need as we begin to regain some form of normality in the UK.”