Accord increasing BTL product transfer rates | Mortgage Strategy


Accord is putting up rates on buy-to-let product transfer deals by 5 basis points on Friday at 6pm.

The lender emailed brokers to say that rates will increase on all six products in its 60 per cent loan-to-value range.

The following buy-to-let rates for existing customers will rise:

  • Two-year fixed £0 fee product to increase from 1.95 per cent to 2 per cent 
  • Two-year fixed £950 fee product to increase from 1.7 per cent to 1.75 per cent 
  • Two-year fixed £1,495 fee product to increase from 1.62 per cent to 1.67 per cent 
  • Five-year fixed £0 fee product to increase from 2.08 per cent to 2.13 per cent
  • Five-year fixed £950 fee product to increase from 1.92 per cent to 1.97 per cent
  • Five-year fixed £1495 fee product to increase from 1.87 per cent to 1.92 per cent 

Accord is also extending end dates on all buy-to-let product transfer deals to February 28. 

The new product range will be available as soon as the old range is withdrawn on Friday.

The lender pays a 0.3 per cent proc fee on this type of business.

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