COVID-19 Second Wave Symptoms - Palm Beach County


By now all in Palm Beach County should know that the most common symptoms associated with COVID-19 are cold, cough, fever, loss of smell and taste. Knowing the most widespread symptoms keeps us aware of when to isolate ourselves or when to go for a test.

COVID second wave is spreading, and the symptoms are not entirely the same as the first. The virus can impact an individual's physical and psychological wellbeing.

Here are eight symptoms apart from fever and cold that can tell if you have contracted the virus. Do not ignore these symptoms even if you do not have a fever or cold.

1). Unusual Cough (like a smoker’s cough)

2).  Pink eye or conjunctivitis

3). Stomach trouble

4). Breathlessness

5). Brain fog

6). Fatigue

7). Loss of smell or taste

8). Heart palpitations

If you have a concern about Coronavirus (COVID-19) please contact a Palm Beach County testing site here.