Top 6 Cozy Soups to Try This Fall - CompassBlog


You know what that first brisk October morning signals… sweater weather, changing leaves, new in-season vegetables (i.e. pumpkin everything), hot drinks, and (drum roll) HOT SOUPS! Nothing feels better than wearing a turtleneck on your couch with your softest socks, your favorite candle burning, and a warm bowl of soup.

To satisfy that craving, we’re laying out our top 6 soup recipes to cozy up your fall. We’ve included some healthy options to keep the winter gains to a minimum… and…we threw in some of our feel good favorites too.

Vegan Cream of Mushroom Soup

This soup was so simple yet absolutely delicious. If you are a mushroom fan, this soup was made for you. If not, skip to the next.


Ginger Turmeric Chicken Soup

This soup is busting with health, and it tastes amazing.


Sausage, White Bean, and Kale Soup

This soup is hearty and healthy, and helps you get amazing nutrients without even trying.


Slow Cooker French Onion Soup

This soup is a classic done right.

From: The

Creamy Tuscan Garlic Tortellini Soup

This. Soup. Is. Amazing.


Roasted Butternut Squash and Bacon Soup


Enjoy your fall, and get cozy!