SNP labels Scotland leading affordable housing nation - Mortgage Introducer


Scottish government figures found that, over the period 2007-08 to 2019-20, the country’s supply of affordable housing per 10,000 people was 45% higher compared to England and Wales.

Since 2007, Scotland’s Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP) has completed 102,055 homes, and the Scottish government indicated this year that it intends to make a capital investment of £3.3bn via AHSP from 2021 until 2026.

Since taking office, the SNP has delivered 96,750 affordable homes, nearly 67,000 of which were for social rent.

£831m was allocated for affordable housing in the Scottish government’s draft budget 2022/2023.

Daryl McIntosh, policy manager at Propertymark, said: “The Scottish government’s commitment to increasing the supply of affordable housing is commendable and crucial to ensure that everyone has access to a suitable home.

“But while we welcome the investment and the prioritisation of homes for social rent, we would urge the Scottish government to recognise the significance of all housing tenures in the creation of a truly affordable housing mix.

“The Draft Rented Sector Strategy, published in December, seeks to improve regulation of the private rented sector, bolster tenants’ rights, and implement a system of rent control by 2025.

“But what tenants need now is more choice within the private rented sector, and this requires sustained investment and incentives for new landlords to enter the market.

“The Scottish government must encourage a mix of all tenures across the entire housing market to ensure that housing is allocated efficiently and to avoid exacerbating affordability issues through poorly-developed policies.”

Kaukab Stewart of the SNP, said: “Everyone should have a safe, warm, affordable home and I am delighted to see these statistics which show that the SNP Government is taking the action needed to make that a reality.

“It is crucial that the homes we create are also energy efficient and zero carbon – not only is it vital for our climate responsibilities but it will help ensure energy costs in the future are affordable.

“The Scottish government’s recent investment of at least £1.8bn in the Heat in Buildings Strategy will help us deliver this.

“The Scottish government’s draft budget has also committed to delivering 110,000 affordable, energy efficient homes by 2032 – allocating £831m for affordable housing.

“Since 2007, Scotland has been leading the way in the creation of affordable homes and I am glad that the SNP government are continuing to rise to the challenge they have set themselves of delivering a further 100,000 affordable homes by 2032.”