Connect for Intermediaries adds LiveMore to lending panel | Mortgage Strategy


Connect for Intermediaries has added later life lender LiveMore to its lending panel.

LiveMore, founded in 2020, offers interest-only fixed-rate mortgages, beginning at terms of five years and going up to seven, 10 and 20 years, as well as fixed for life.

Connect for Intermediaries, founded in 1998, is a specialist network, packager and referral partner with a panel of more than 170 lenders across mainstream and specialist markets.

Connect for Intermediaries sales director Kevin Thomson says: “We are always keen to work with new, innovative lenders and LiveMore’s proposition is unique in the mortgage market.

“Our brokers now have access to a lender who looks beyond salary for affordability and takes into account all aspects of income such as pensions and buy-to-let property.”

LiveMore managing director of sales Alison Pallett adds: “Connect for Intermediaries works across the full range of specialist lending including older borrowers so now its brokers have even more options with access to our mortgage range.

“We are one of the few lenders who will consider borrowers even if they are over the age of 90. It is essential for us to be on the panels of strong, reputable networks and packagers like Connect for Intermediaries.”

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