Maine Real Estate FAQs E-Newsletter Vol. 55 | Maine Real Estate Blog




We are proud to present you with Volume 55 of our E-Newsletter. Here are a few highlights from President and Owner Chris Lynch’s update on the current Maine Real Estate market:

“2020 and the first half of 2021 have presented a very complex set of numbers when examined through the lens of a microscope. However, when viewed in the context of the market as a whole, the results are quite strong, but less remarkable than one might think.”

“Buyers expanded their home searches into other parts of Maine where inventory was more abundant. Seven counties enjoyed sales gains in excess of 20%. Inventory continues to be a challenge for many buyers in the most desirable destinations and new listing volume was down nearly 5% in the first quarter of 2021…”

“… the market for Maine real estate will continue to be characterized by very strong buyer demand and relatively tight listing inventory for the remainder of 2021 and likely well into next year.”

Click the cover image above or here to read more about Maine Real Estate and to view some of our amazing properties currently for sale.

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