One to One: Charles Roe, director of mortgages, UK Finance | Mortgage Strategy


What is the main purpose of your role as UK Finance director of mortgages?

I lead our mortgages team, which works with and on behalf of the whole range of lenders in the sector (banks, building societies and specialists), regardless of size, or whether they are mainstream or more bespoke.

We work to represent them and to promote sustainable housing finance in the UK.

Encourage your team to help develop ideas and solutions. They generally will know the detail better than you

Our team engages with policymakers, the government and other stakeholders to shape regulation. We help our members to implement regulatory initiatives and share best practice across the industry.

What led you to the role and what past work experiences do you draw on to help you?

Housing is always a priority issue in this country, so it was a hugely exciting opportunity to join the UK Finance team two years ago.

I’ve had a wide range of experience in the mortgage sector in my career, which I can draw on in this role.

There remain plenty of opportunities for the industry to make better use of digital technologies to improve the customer experience

I was previously chief risk officer for Nottingham Building Society and also spent 10 years at the Financial Conduct Authority, including as head of department for mortgages and mutuals.

How does UK Finance work with other trade bodies and the FCA?

UK Finance was created in 2017 to bring together the work of a number of trade associations across the banking and finance sector, including the Council of Mortgage Lenders.

We work in an independent but co-ordinated way with other trade bodies (such as the Building Societies Association) on key policy issues. An example of this was during the pandemic — we worked closely to ensure our members delivered the right support for customers facing financial difficulty.

We also work very closely with the FCA, helping to support it in all the work it does across the mortgage market.

I’ve had a wide range of experience in the mortgage sector, which I can draw on in this role

One important thing we can provide is comprehensive lender data and statistics to highlight key trends and the potential impact of regulatory changes that are being considered.

UK Finance represents lenders, but what role do you believe brokers play in the success of the mortgage industry?

Brokers are a critical part of the market. They help the majority of mortgage customers to secure a product that is right for them and their circumstances.

Given their expert knowledge of the market, one important thing they do is provide advice on which lenders are most likely to accept a mortgage application from a customer at any particular time.

What has been your biggest professional challenge to date?

After almost a year at the Nottingham Building Society, I was appointed as an executive director. That resulted in my having a significant amount of regulatory responsibility for everything the society did, the products it offered and the people it employed.

During the pandemic we worked closely to ensure our members delivered the right support for customers facing financial difficulty

As a former regulator, it was an important professional challenge to see things from the other side.

Is there anything you would change about the mortgage sector?

The sector is very competitive and supports millions of customers. A lot of the processes when buying a new home or applying for a mortgage are still very manual and paper based (with lots of requests for ID verification being made by several parties in the process).

Although some tentative steps are being taken in relation to digital identity, there remain plenty of opportunities for the sectors involved to make better use of digital technologies to improve the customer experience.

If you could choose any other job, what would it be?

I am a keen sailor, and my dream job would be as a skipper on a round-the-world yacht.

We help our members to implement regulatory initiatives and share best practice across the industry

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Be inquisitive and ask questions. Don’t over-complicate things, and encourage your team to help develop ideas and solutions. They generally will know the detail better than you.

Company profile

Year established: 2017

Headcount: 231

Address: 5th Floor, 1 Angel Court, London EC2R 7HJ

Tel: 020 7706 3333

UK Finance is the collective voice for the banking and finance industry. Representing more than 300 firms, we act to enhance competitiveness, support customers and facilitate innovation.

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