Day in the Life of... Lisa Rickards, BDM, Halifax Intermediaries | Mortgage Strategy


My alarm goes off…

…very early. The early morning is the best time of day for me and it’s becoming a lot easier now that it’s getting lighter. A strong coffee and some exercise are important to get me into the right headspace first thing. After that I feel I can focus.

More than ever the pandemic has taught us the importance of looking after our mental and physical health, whether that means eating well, doing some exercise, getting enough sleep or just being kinder to ourselves and those around us. I’ve always focused on this, but without having to commute every day I’ve really tried to make more time for the things that make me feel good.

I wanted to become a BDM because…

…it was a natural progression for me. After leaving school I started working as a customer adviser in 1986 at the Halifax Northampton Market Square branch. Through this role I became interested in mortgages and an opportunity came up to train as an underwriter. I jumped at the chance and loved everything about the process, such as the complexity and engaging my brain in a different way.

When the intermediary mortgage market started to grow, I had a chance to become a mobile underwriter, and this then grew into my first BDM role. I’ve worked as a BDM for 21 years and haven’t looked back.

Something that surprised me about my job is…

…the role is constantly changing, and I never stop learning. At the beginning of this year my role changed, so now instead of working on just Halifax Intermediaries I also look after Scottish Widows Bank. This has been a great chance for me to learn new skills and all about a new brand.

Another surprise was being given the opportunity to study for the Certificate in Regulatory Equity Release last year. It was a big challenge getting my brain back into the mindset of learning information to study for an exam.

It was a lot of hard work, but also a great thrill when I passed, and the knowledge I have gained will be invaluable in this ever-evolving market.

My typical day entails…

…video calls, responding to emails and trying to stay connected with colleagues and brokers.

But, to be honest, there is no typical day. It’s a cliché but it’s true. Everyone has had to adjust their working pattern in different ways, so I try to make sure that I can be available to brokers as much as possible, and that they don’t have to wait too long to hear back from me.

My favourite work memory is…

…difficult to single out, having worked in the industry so long. Every day creates a situation when I am able to help a broker, which in turn helps a customer, which then creates lots of positive memories. Having said that, I was awarded BDM of the Year at Bank of Scotland a few years back, which was a real highlight.

A perk of the job is…

…the work-life balance, which is a big thing for me. I think one of the reasons I have been a BDM for so long is because, with a bit of organisation and focus, I can get that ideal work-life balance in this job.

To unwind after work, I…

…do a lot of things, such as reading, running, listening to podcasts and yoga.

I also spend lots of time on video calls with my grandson and enjoy my husband’s excellent cooking with the odd tipple.

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