YBS Commercial adds five-year interest-only deal | Mortgage Strategy


YBS Commercial Mortgages has added a new semi-commercial five-year fixed rate product with a rate of 4.7 per cent.

The new deal is available on loans up to 70 per cent loan-to-value and is available for loans between £400,000 and £5m. 

It offers customers five years of interest-only repayments, before reverting to capital and interest for the remainder of the term, up to a total 25 years.

YBS Commercial Mortgages head of business development Mike Davies says: “We’re really pleased to be adding this new semi-commercial product to our range and know there is a growing demand for mortgages of this nature from property investors.

“We’ve worked with brokers to design the product and are confident it will be well received by them and their clients. We know investors are looking for interest-only options to aid cash-flow positions and by providing this on a fixed-rate basis we’re helping them have some certainty over the cost of the finance during the first five years – something we feel will be welcomed during such uncertain times.

“This product designed specifically for semi-commercial assets, gives us an opportunity to support experienced commercial investors with viable propositions that benefit from diversified income streams.”

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