Are we building enough homes in Dane County?


Let's have a quick look at the numbers: Last year, Dane County's population grew by almost 8,000 people, and yet we built just under 1,300 homes. This is a very familiar pattern in Dane County. As the chart below shows, new home construction has been subdued for the last 18 years, even though our county has consistently ranked as one of the fastest-growing regions in the state. 

What does the future hold for Dane County?

While most counties in Wisconsin are experiencing population declines, it's important to note that Dane County's population is projected to grow by another 200,000 people over the next 30 years. For this and many other reasons, we fully expect local home values will continue to appreciate for the foreseeable future. 

All of this information is especially important for first-time home buyers to understand and internalize.

So, if one of your life goals is to become a homeowner, we highly recommend you embrace the mindset of "getting your foot in the door". In other words, the home you buy this year may not be your perfect home, in your perfect location, and at your perfect price. But it can be the home that helps you "get your foot in the door" for creating a better life -- and building a stronger financial foundation.  

Just by paying your mortgage each month, and by making the right improvements, you can start building equity right now that will help you move up to your next home a few years down the line. This is the perspective that many of our clients are embracing in our "new normal" market. And this is the mindset that's helping them experience their dream of homeownership, and helping them build wealth for the long-term, too.