Brokers predict growth in specialist lending: Bluestone | Mortgage Strategy


The specialist lending market is poised for growth over the next year according to 96% of brokers polled by Bluestone Mortgages.

The lender found that 63% of advisers believe there will be “significant growth” and 33% expect the market to grow slightly.

In particular, the top three business opportunities brokers cited were the growing number of people with complex credit, the increasing number of self-employed workers and greater product choice. 

However, brokers believe the specialist lending market could still be made more attractive and accessible. 

Lower product costs was the top improvement that brokers wanted to see, followed by higher loan-to-values and more flexible products. 

Bluestone sales and marketing director Reece Beddall says: “It’s great to see such confidence in the specialist lending market among brokers. 

“As more people come out of lockdown in a more challenging financial situation than they were in before, it is an area of the market that is only going to grow as more customers get turned away from the high street. 

“This represents a huge opportunity for brokers who are going to be approached by a growing cohort of under-served borrowers looking for a helping hand over the short, medium and long term. 

“However, our poll also revealed that there are areas of the specialist lending market where brokers are wanting more. 

“We, as lenders, must listen to these demands and provide brokers with education and the tools they need to support the growing number of ‘non-vanilla’ customers in achieving their ultimate dream of homeownership.”

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