5 ways a mortgage broker makes choosing a home loan easier


1. A big choice made simple

The average home loan is currently worth around $374,000 – that’s a big financial commitment, so you want to be sure your home loan is right for your needs.

On one hand, there are thousands of different home loans to choose from. The trouble is, without expert help, it can be difficult knowing which loan is right for your circumstances.

That’s where your Aussie Broker can make things easy, sorting through over 3,000 different home loans to find the loan that suits your needs. Even better, your Aussie Broker uses an exclusive comparison software to sift through over 20 different lenders (including the big banks) in a matter of minutes. This gives you more time to focus on finding the right home.

2. Selecting the right home loan features for your needs

Today’s home loans often come packed with a generous selection of features – everything from options to split between fixed and variable interest rates, offset accounts and fee-free redraw.

However, for first home buyers it can be extremely confusing knowing exactly how these features work, let alone which are right for your needs.

Your mortgage broker can explain how various home loan features work and which could prove useful for you in managing your home loan. It’s a simple way to be sure you’re only paying for loan features you really need and will use – either now or in the near future.

3. Get the home loan facts – not the fiction

Buying a home can seem like a complex undertaking but when you’re investing in a major financial asset it’s essential to be sure about what you’re signing up for – and what to expect at every stage.

Your Aussie Broker brings a wealth of experience to the table, and can answer questions from how much deposit you need, through to the costs of buying a home. Knowing the facts about what’s involved can help you plan ahead and feel more comfortable with the home loan process.

4. Leave the paperwork in the hands of experts

There’s a lot riding on your home loan application, and your mortgage broker will support you by negotiating with the lender and even arranging the paperwork on your behalf. Your Aussie Broker can even help you apply for the First Home Owner Grant and any stamp duty savings where relevant.

5. Help you become home loan ready

You may not be ready to apply for a home loan right now. That’s okay. However, there are plenty of steps you can take today that may improve the likelihood of receiving home loan approval when the time comes.

That makes it worth speaking to your Aussie Broker at an early stage for expert mortgage advice on things like the documents a lender will want to see, what sort of deposit you may need, and other steps you can take to become home loan ready.

Speak to an Aussie Mortgage Broker today for help getting into your first home.