Just 22% of applications to the Building Safety Fund approved so far | Mortgage Introducer


From the application total, 1628 were in London and the remaining 1192 across the rest of England.

There were 63 registrations for buildings with both ACM and non-ACM cladding systems, as of 5 March.

The data also shows that of the 2,820 applications, 354 were ineligible and 349 were withdrawn.

In the Budget, the government announced that it will provide £1bn in 2020 to 2021 to support the remediation of unsafe non-ACM cladding system on residential buildings 18 metres and over in both the private and social housing sectors.

Looking to social sector grant claims, there were a total of 172 claims received, 4 withdrawn, 23 ineligible and 31 approved, with a total value of £58.2m.

Within private sector funding, full applications were approved on 42 buildings with non ACM cladding only, with a total of £71.6m funding provided.

Also for fully approved applications, there were 13 buildings with both cladding types, but the ACM removal is being funded through the ACM fund, which equated to a total of £28.1m funding allocated.

Meanwhile, for pre-tender support allocations on buildings with non ACM cladding only, there were 163 buildings, equally a fund of £66.4m.

On pre-tender support allocations for buildings with both cladding types, but the ACM removal is being funded through the ACM fund there were 7, equating to £2.5m funding.

The total amount of funding allocated was £226.8m, including the social sector, as of 5 March 2021.

The closing date for applications to the Building Safety Fund is 30 June.