From renter to first home owner with Aussies help


Perth-based Chloe and her partner are celebrating their first home along with new baby Archie. It’s a true family place with a decent yard for Archie to play in, and like any new mum Chloe is enjoying decorating the nursery. But it wasn’t always this way. Until June 2018, Chloe and her partner were renting.

Paying weekly rent made it hard to save a first home deposit, and as Chloe explains, “We didn’t have family to call on to act as guarantors or lend a hand with our deposit.” But the couple refused to let their goal out of sight.

“We stuck to a really strict budget,” says Chloe. “It meant making sacrifices – cutting out costs like gym membership and not going out as much. Simple things that all added up.”

The couple steadily built up savings but hit the wall at the halfway mark. “At one stage it felt like we weren’t making any real progress despite all our hard work,” recalls Chloe. “But once we’d passed the halfway point of our target savings, our motivation was recharged.”

Aussie Broker delivers a welcome surprise

Like many first home buyers, the couple faced plenty of unknowns. They headed to their Aussie Home Loans Broker for tailored answers to two of the most common first home buyer questions. Chloe recalls, “We needed to know how much we could borrow and how much further we had to go with our savings.”

Chloe’s Aussie Broker was able to do the sums for their situation, providing a clear figure of their borrowing power. Better still, as a home loan expert, their Aussie Broker was able to explain exactly how much the couple needed as a first home deposit.

That was when the couple enjoyed a welcome surprise. Chloe explains, “When our broker looked at our deposit he told us we could start looking straight away. We had enough deposit to qualify for a home loan right then!”

It was a turning point for the Perth couple, who were finally able to make their goal a reality. “It was so exciting!” says Chloe. “We spent six weeks house hunting, and when we found a place we liked we checked in with our broker, who said the offer we wanted to make was totally achievable.”

“I felt I could trust our broker”

Finding the right property is just one part of the equation. Buying a first home also means having the right loan in place. That’s where the experience of Chloe’s Aussie Broker really kicked in. After taking the time understand what Chloe and her partner where looking for in a home loan, their broker compared over 3,500 different loans from over 20 lenders, to find the home loan that was suited to the young family’s needs.

“I felt I could trust our broker because he gave us lots of different options and looked at our situation as a whole. He was really helpful,” says Chloe.

Their Aussie Broker set to work behind the scenes completing their loan application and liaising with the lender, leaving the couple free to prepare for the move. More good news followed. The couple were approved for their first home loan and just weeks later were busy settling into a home of their own. “I expected the process of applying for a loan would take a long time,” says Chloe. “But it was really quick. Our Aussie Broker managed everything for us.”

As baby Archie gurgles in the background, Chloe advises, “If you’re saving for a first home, I’d definitely recommend speaking to an expert like an Aussie Broker. Don’t assume that your first home is a million miles away – it could be more achievable than you know.”

Talk to your Aussie Broker for advice on the first home loan that’s right for you.