Beach Bucket Clean-Up Stations Around Jupiter


The Town of Jupiter is always looking for ways to help our town and our environment. Recently, Town officials have installed four clean up station at four local parks to help nature and the environment by reducing the amount of litter and debris.

Jupiter has partnered with the Beach Bucket Foundation as part of their 2021/2022 Strategic Plan. The mission of the Beach Bucket Foundation is the create awareness and community involvement in helping the preservation of our beaches and ocean.

The Town Council identified clean up areas and activities along the waterfront and park as one of their initiatives this year. In partnership, the town installed four clean up stations at four local parks and waterfront areas for the public to help with the initiative.

Visitors can just grab a bucket from the stand and help pick up litter while they enjoy a walk through the park or enjoy the beach. Once the bucket is full, bring the bucket back to the station and dump the trash in the garbage area, then put the bucket back for someone else to help. The cleanup stations are currently installed at Abacoa Community Park, Jupiter Community Park, Sawfish Bay Park, and the Jupiter Civic Center. The town plans on adding more clean-up stations around Jupiter in the future.