How to be a successful home buyer in 2021 | Sonoma County Mortgages


If you want to be a successful home buyer, here are the following things you need to be aware of if you want to buy a house in 2021…

It goes without saying interest rates are at extremely low levels. Those low-interest rates are fueling demand for housing. So let’s say you’re pre-approved and you’re out looking for a house. You found a house and now it comes time to the negotiation- do I put an offer in or pass?

Number one take your real estate agent’s advice as gold. Your real estate agent is your advocate, and they know what it’s going to take to get into a contract in your market. That means if you see a house for example for $600,000 and you’re in a very competitive market where there are multiple offers making an offer under asking is not unrealistic.

One of the other things you need to be aware of is you need to have a payment buffer. The best way to appropriate money to buy a house is you must have a $200 a month payment buffer by having a $200 a month payment buffer you give yourself a fighting competitive chance. $20,000 on the purchase price for example carries $200 a month of spending power.

Nickel and diming over a purchase price of 5k to 8k for example and later finding out that you lost a house over $50/month payment difference could lesson be a lesson to listen to your agent. Most of it is psychological when it’s buying a house don’t worry too much about the purchase price of the house, focus on the payment, if the payments only changed by a minuscule difference and you can offset that difference by paying off a credit card as an example. This subtle difference in housing payment could be a game-changer because it’s all about perception vs reality.

If you’re looking to buy a house and want a pragmatic strategy, work with an agent and lender committed to the big picture. f As a home buyer, you want professionals interested in your long-term future success. This way you become more comfortable with the process, but you’ll also feel more confident about your area, about the home sale, and be in a position to probably feel really good about your home buying endeavor for years to come.

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