Tenet fixes payment matching bugs after Intelligent Office move - Mortgage Strategy


Tenet has reconciled the adviser fee issues that dogged its migration to a new back office system.

The network suffered a commission hiatus last year in the wake of its transition to Intelligent Office from its propriety technology.

A number of gremlins reported by planners in the ensuing days.

Advisers tell Money Marketing that the vast majority of payment matching issues have now been resolved and that ongoing issues are minimal.

One Tenet adviser tells Money Marketing that some of the delays were not caused by the network, but by feeds between providers and Intelligent Office itself.

Some revolved around basic labeling differences, for example ongoing fees being referred to as indemnities by some providers, meaning fields in Intelligent Office did not match.

A Tenet adviser says that some network members were starting “from a very low base” when it comes to technology and it was “inevitable” bumps would occur given the hundred of advisers involved in the changeover.

Tenet chief executive Mark Scanlon says: “The Intelliflo release in September was a major step change for Tenet and our members and fully embedding the system remains an ongoing process. We’ve made considerable progress with our payment matching, which was our number one priority, and the average matching rate is now better than pre-implementation.

“A number of our members wanted more system training and we were able to mobilise a team of dedicated IO trainers across the UK, as well as retaining a full time IO helpdesk.

“Based on feedback from our members, we are also continuing to configure the system and feed into product development and usability enhancements, where we are very well supported by Intelliflo.”

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