Defending Yourself from a Florida Foreclosure Part 9


Defending Yourself from a Florida Foreclosure Part 9

Take Any Settlement Offer Seriously

The road through any Florida foreclosure is a long one, and it has many bumps and turns along the way. And the road traveled is never the same for any two homeowners. Everyone’s story is unique; everyone’s circumstances are different.

No matter the situation, we know how difficult of a time this is for homeowners facing the prospect of losing their home. At times it can feel tempting to just give up and move on, but we strongly, strongly encourage you to resist that line of thinking.

If there’s one thing we hope you’ve learned through our nine-part series on the Florida foreclosure process it’s that you always have options, and even if those options include making decisions you could never have imagined having to make several years ago when you first bought the home, they may be better than the alternatives.

What to Consider When Assessing a Settlement Offer

At various points throughout the foreclosure process, you may find yourself in the position of negotiation. Perhaps you may be negotiating a loan modification or discussing other possiblities. As you prepare for court, discuss with your attorney your goals and expectations, but also try to keep a level-headed understanding of fairness. Is the bank greedy? Yes. Does that mean you’ll get everything you want and more? Perhaps not.

What it means is that you should understand a good offer when you get one and take any proposal seriously before batting it away. After all, a free house will not be in the cards, but a loan modification you can financially manage? That might be a settlement offer you can live with.

Discuss with your attorney early and often what’s important to you so they can fight for the best possible outcome. At Jacobs Legal, we’ve been fighting – and defeating – Goliath banking institutions since the housing crisis of 2008. We are ready to defend you. Get in touch to learn more about how we can help you.