Love your Aussie home winners revealed


We caught up with our three winners, who will each receive a $10,000 freedom voucher plus a professional home styling session worth $2,000.

Heart and soul

For Sydney-based Megan, the prize-winning photo of her son’s bedroom holds special meaning. “After trying for a baby for several years, we eventually had to rely on IVF, so when our little boy Archer was born, I put my heart and soul into making a beautiful space for him.”

Archer is now a happy, healthy 2-year-old, and Megan says his bedroom is just perfect for a growing toddler. “The room faces north so it’s bathed in sunlight, and Archer and I spend lots of time in his room playing with toys or looking through his books.”

Megan says the call from her Aussie Broker to announce her win came completely out of the blue. “I was absolutely over the moon,” beams Megan. “It’s such an amazing prize!”

Megan’s Aussie Broker played a key role helping the family buy their dream home, and they see themselves living there for quite some time. Megan’s win will help make the home even more comfortable.

She explains, “We have a smaller living room that we’d like to keep as an adult’s space, and it will be lovely to have a new lounge to relax on. We can also renovate the backyard and get some beautiful outdoor furniture for everyone to enjoy.”

Perfect timing

“I love the view from our living room,” says Aussie winner Patrycja. “It’s very therapeutic at the end of the day to sit and watch Melbournians go about their everyday life.”

It’s not just the people watching that Patrycja relishes. “We’re surrounded by cafés, and the lovely aromas of freshly brewed coffee reach up to our apartment,” she says. “We’re so lucky to be right in the thick of Melbourne’s café scene.”

Like all our winners, Patrycja was delighted when her Aussie Broker contacted her with the exciting news. “I was literally jumping for joy,” says Patrycja. “Finding out I won brought me to tears.”

Describing her home of just five months as her “forever home”, Patrycja says her win in Aussie’s competition was “perfect timing”.

“Our spare room is still full of boxes,” she explains. “The prize will allow me to make the finishing touches to turn the spare room into a guest bedroom.”

Living the dream

When Aussie’s winner of the People’s Choice award, Jane, submitted a photo of her backyard view at sunset, she didn’t expect to win, she just wanted to share her favourite part of her home. “The amazing view was what made us buy the land 14 years ago,” explains Jane.

After many years of saving, Jane and her husband were ready to build their dream home in the Orange region, and they turned to their Aussie Broker for help organising a construction loan.

With the home now complete, Jane says she is living the dream. “We’re on seven acres, so there’s lots of space for our three children to ride their minibikes, plenty of room for the dog to run, and we even keep a few chooks.”

Jane was delighted to see her photo had been shortlisted, but she didn’t mention it to anyone. “I never win anything,” she laughs. “So when my Aussie Broker called to say I’d won the People’s Choice award, I was absolutely speechless! It’s really lovely knowing that other people appreciate our view as much as we do.”

Jane says her win couldn’t have come at a better time. “When we built the house, buying extra furniture wasn’t a priority. Now we’ll be able to finish the interior and make our home exactly what we wanted.”

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If you know someone who needs help to make their dream home a reality, put them in touch with us. Better still, if they attend a free appointment before 30 April 2019, they’ll go in the draw to win $15,000*!*T&Cs apply, visit for details.