Halifax updates process for keyed applicant personal details | Mortgage Strategy


Halifax Intermediaries Online has announced that it has made changes to make it easier to amend customer personal details that have been keyed.

From 9 May, the fields under ‘personal details’ will no longer be ‘read only’ once a decision in principle (DIP) is submitted.

If details are incorrect or incomplete, the new updates will allow customers to amend fields to re-run the DIP decision, or change details when converting to a full application.

Halifax says a contact form is no longer needed to request any changes to the fields after a full application has been submitted.

Last week, Halifax also published new rate rises that came into effect on 3 May. A two-year fixed-rate remortgage at 60% loan-to-value, with a £1499 fee, is now 2.62%. The rate for the same product was 1.26% in July 2021.

The hike comes at a time when the country faces a cost of living crisis. Inflation rose to 7% in the year to March, the highest rate since 1992 and up from 6.2% in February.

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