Surge in tenants searching for arrears help - Mortgage Strategy


The number of tenants searching for help dealing with rent arrears on the Citizens Advice website surged by 332 per cent between April and June compared to the same period last year.

The charity says that the number of page views for its “dealing with rent arrears” guide increased from 7,630 to 32,992 year-on-year.

People looking for advice on help they can get with possible homelessness has also increased, despite the temporary ban on repossessions and evictions.

The ban on eviction in the private sector will end in August, but the FCA has extended the period in which borrowers can apply for a mortgage payment holiday to October 31 and the ban on repossessions to the same date.

Previous research by Citizens Advice has indicated 36 per cent of private sector renters have seen their income fall by 20 per cent or more – higher than the average of 26 per cent across all tenure types. 

The charity is calling for extra funding to be made available to support people to pay back arrears resulting from coronavirus. 

The National Residential Landlords Association has also called for extra financial help for renters in debt when the eviction ban ends.

Citizens Advice chief executive Dame Gillian Guy says: “The dramatic jump in the need for advice on rent arrears should be a warning sign for the government that many people are deeply worried about the possibility of losing their home.

“Renters have been particularly vulnerable to the economic effects of Covid-19, yet protections for them run out sooner than many of the other measures to help people struggling, including those for mortgage payers.

“Many renters won’t be in a position to repay arrears built up due to coronavirus. 

“Without help, they risk losing the roof over their head through no fault of their own.”

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