BoomTown 2017 Go-to-Grow Real Estate Challenge


We want to make every step of achieving your goals easier with the

2017 Go-to-Grow Challenge.

This ongoing challenge will keep you motivated, moving, and most important, accountable. The goal is to help you make a big impact through easily achievable actions in your business. Follow along as we share how to kick off the challenge!   

How it works?

Every month we send one email for action. And one email for insights.

If you are already subscribed to the blog, then you’re ready to rumble. If not sign-up through the pop-up you’ll be seeing throughout this post!

And that’s it! You use the first email of the month as a prompt, follow along with our action items, assets, podcast interviews, and articles. 


Let’s Get Started!

The first monthly theme is goal setting! Goal setting to kick off the year? Super original we know. But this is the time to do it!

Throughout the month our blog will be filled with how to set your annual goals, update your business plans, and begin to build a better budget.

Begin the Go-to-Grow Challenge with our Guide to Forecasting Your Sales Like a Chief Operating Officer.

This post will guide you through measuring agent workload, customer acquisition cost, and forecasting market growth.


Why are we doing this now?

Planning your year all at once is a big undertaking whether you are a one-person show, or a rapidly expanding company.

And since our job is to make you successful, we want to make every step of achieving your goals easier and more efficient.

Through years of working with successful real estate agents, we pinpointed which action items should be addressed at certain times of the year to optimize your success.

So, prepare yourself for launch. The Go-2-Grow Challenge has begun!