Conservatives and Remain voters have greater homeownership expectations: YouGov | Mortgage Strategy


More Conservative voters than Labour supporters think they will own their home by 30, and more of those who voted Remain than Leave say they will be on the property ladder by 40, according to a YouGov poll.

The survey found that 41% of Conservative voters said they would have the keys to their own home between 25 and 30, compared to 28% of Labour supporters who voted in the 2019 general election.

Just 8% of Conservative voters thought it would take them between 31 and 40, while 38% of Labour supporters thought that was when they would be able to own a house.

When it comes to those who voted Remain in the 2016 Referendum, 64% thought they would have their own home by 40, while just 37% of Leave voters thought the same.

A series of studies have pointed out that a greater proportion of Remain voters have degrees and earn higher salaries, than Leave supporters.

Across the UK population, 65% of the country cited by age 40 when the pollster asked, “At what age do you think you will be able to own your own home?”. Within this group, 35% said they would achieve this by 30.

In the more affluent capital, political allegiances make less difference to homeownership aspirations.

In London, 63% of Conservative voters thought they would live in their own home by 40, while 72% of Labour supporters think the same.

Although, 71% of Remain voters expect to own their own home by 40 in the capital, while just 46% of Leave supporters have the same expectation.

Across the country, women have far greater homeownership aspirations. Among women, 77% wanted to be in their own home by 40, while 57% of men thought the same.

And among younger people, aged 18 to 24, 55% of them said they would be on the property ladder by 30, with a further 31% saying they would make it onto the first rung by 40.

YouGov interviewed a weighted sample of 1736 adults across the UK between 31 March and 1 April. In London, it interviewed a weighted sample of 2207 adults between 19 March and 1 April.

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