FIBA adds Bridging Link to lender panel | Mortgage Introducer


FIBA has appointed short-term bridging lender Bridging Link to its lender panel.

Bridging Link provides regulated and non-regulated bridging loans on a first and second charge basis.

Adam Tyler, executive chairman at FIBA, said, “Bridging Link has demonstrated its commitment to the values we hold at FIBA, particularly around full transparency throughout the process.

“The team at Bridging Link has accumulated many years of experience of the market and their commitment to the regulated bridging space makes them a particularly useful and notable addition to our panel.”

Mike Brooks, managing director at Bridging Link, added: “We are very proud to be joining FIBA.

“FIBA members are among the best specialist finance professionals in the sector and we are looking forward to working with the community and the FIBA team.

“We provide a truly service orientated offering and I believe that FIBA members are going to appreciate our proactivity and the delivery on our promises to assist their customers with their short-term borrowing needs.”