Bankhall and PMS team up with CIExpert | Mortgage Introducer


CIExpert’s online statistical ranking system aims to reduce the research time for advisers when sourcing critical illness cover.

It enables advisers to create a comparison, based on each customer’s individual needs, generating a report that provides insight into the quality and cost of competing plans.

Jeff Woods, campaigns and propositions director at Bankhall and PMS, said: “We are constantly exploring how we can improve the quality of the protection conversations that advisers have with their customers.

“Advisers often tell us that critical illness cover is one of the more challenging areas, so we are pleased to be partnering with CIExpert on this latest protection initiative.

“CIExpert’s latest upgrades give advisers the ability to provide a personalised assessment for their clients, making the dialogue about the risks they face much more pertinent.

“We’ve been impressed by how the enhancements have now made it easier for advisers to understand and evaluate the differences between the complicated range of definitions within policies.

“This ease of use means that advisers can focus on the key issues with their customer, and ultimately convey the true value of protection.”

Alan Lakey, director of CIExpert, added: “When we set out to build this new upgrade to the system, our goal was to achieve a new level of personalisation, so that the precise needs of each family can be assessed.

“At the same time we were very conscious of the need to also enhance the user experience, to make it even easier for advisers to interpret the value for their clients.

“We know only too well how the complexity of competing plans has increased in recent years.

“Our objective was to counter this by making the system so easy to use that we would encourage more mortgage and investment advisers to engage in a protection discussion with their clients.

“We are delighted that Bankhall and PMS recognise the opportunity that CIExpert provides.

“We look forward to supporting them to increase advisers’ protection business and the quality of the advice they provide.”