The Cumberland relaunches two-year holiday let | Mortgage Strategy


The Cumberland Building Society has returned to offering at two-year fixed rate holiday let product.

Available at up to 75% LTV, the mortgage is set at 3.84%.

In early June this year, the lender cut rates on loans over £750,000 across its holiday let range, which Cumberland head of lending Scott McKerracher points to when he says, “the re-launch of our two-year fixed coincides with this change, enabling us to offer holiday let products in line with the needs of our customers.”

Borrowers may use the new two-year fix on properties throughout the UK.

The lender adds that its “tailored lending criteria” allows it consider cases, “such as occupancy restricted property and larger portfolios throughout mainland UK, and the isles of Anglesey, Arran, Mull, Skye, Lewis, Harris and Wight.”

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