How to Use Social Media to Connect with First-Time Home Buyers - Clean Slate


Businesses of all types and sizes benefit from using social media to market their brands and services. Real estate agents, however, especially boost their presence by marketing on Facebook, Instagram and other social channels. This is due in part to the huge role that first-time home buyers plan in a real estate professional’s success. Since first-time home buyers tend to be millennials and other young social media-savvy clients, you too would do well to target these potential clients with all that the online social sphere has to offer.

The National Association of Realtors released a recent study that noted upwards of 77% of Realtors actively use social media as part of their marketing plan. Of the Realtors surveyed, 44% of them said that they get their highest-quality leads from social media marketing. Keep these numbers in mind when you think about the fact that 99% of millennials, and surprisingly 90% of baby boomers, start their home search online. While you certainly should take advantage of any online leads from the baby boomer demographic, consider that first-time home buyers will have years more potential to reach out to you down the road for future business.

The bottom line? If you don’t currently have a social media strategy in place, it’s time to developone.

We’ll assume you’re incredibly busy and want to spend the free time that you have focusing on what actually works. So, start your social media marketing to first-time home buyers on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Not familiar with LinkedIn as a social media marketing tool? LinkedIn offers amazing opportunities to build a professional and client network, and to interact with peers, home buyers and sellers – and even get reviewed for your outstanding service.

Here are the top ways to use social media to connect with first-time home buyers:

Top Social Media Channels to Connect with First-Time Home Buyers

Facebook for First-Time Home-Buyers

Facebook is a staple for Realtors who want to target first-time home buyers online. This social media channel gives hits the new home buyer target right on demographically, as any interaction on the platform is likely to reach your ideal customer in terms of age and income.

Additionally, Facebook provides the option of further targeting the first-time home buyer demographic base with Facebook Ads, which will connect you with buyers specifically looking for property in your local area. Facebook allows Realtors to publish listings, home photos, blog articles and much more as content. This is really like hitting the jackpot when it comes to social media outlets.

Instagram for First-Time Home Buyers

Instagram is helping many kinds of business show off their products and services visually. This social media platform is perfect, then, for real estate agents who have homes to show. Use Instagram to publish stylish photos of your listings and take advantage of Instagram stories to provide quick virtual tours of specific rooms that you want to showcase on a home. Instagram stories is also a great way to provide new-listing updates and fun neighborhood tours.

Many Realtors are finding out that they prefer Instagram as their primary social mediamarketing outlet.

LinkedIn for First-Time Home Buyers

LinkedIn is essentially a business-to-business network, but it’s also a fantastic place to highlight your resume. Make sure your LinkedIn bio includes all of your experience, from certifications and awards to homes sold and years in the industry.

Many real estate professionals use LinkedIn to grow a network of associated service personnel that can be useful to clients, such as home inspectors, contractors and mortgage bankers. LinkedIn is also a fabulous channel for posting industry news, mortgage rate information and market trends – all of which is typically of great interest to a first-time home buyer.

Types of Content to Use on Social Media Channels

Each social media channel is most known for a certain type of content, but that doesn’t mean you can’t deviate from the norm and get creative in your marketing efforts on the platform. While it’s good to be different with what you post so you will stand out, remember to keep your content ‘social’ on these channels. This means, do not overly ‘sell.’

Property Photos on Social Media

On any social media channel you use, you’ll want to highlight your listings’ photos. Don’t use just any images, though. Make sure any property photos you post online are high-quality professional images. Take time to talk with your photographers and make sure they know that all images should ‘pop’ to draw in buyers.

On Instagram, consider using some of the platforms premium filters to enhance your photos. However, make sure that any images you publish accurate represent the home.

Industry and Market News

The real estate marketing is constantly evolving, so take advantage of the wide audience social media offers to share industry news with new home buyers. First-time home buyers are especially eager to read advice on navigating what can be confusing waters.

New Property Listings

It should be a given that real estate professionals need to be sharing their new listings all over online. Social media channels provide the ideal setting for great listing photos coupled with detailed and enticing property descriptions. On all social channels, make sure you link to any virtual tours you have created for your properties. Also, incorporate your contact information on each property listing post, rather than defaulting to listing it only in your social page bio.

There are so many other ways you can use social media to market to first-time home buyers. Think about sharing home renovation tips, neighborhood news and personal accolades you have earned in the real estate industry. As a savvy social media marketer, you will soon find that business seems to find you when when you harness the power of Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more.

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