Bill introduced to Welsh government to amend Renting Homes Act | Mortgage Introducer


The bill outlines that the amendments to the act prior to its coming into force will be to provide greater security for those who rent their homes in Wales, particularly in the private rented sector.

The Business Committee has remitted the bill to the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee.

Further details about the bill can be found in its accompanying Explanatory Memorandum.

The bill is currently at stage one and will be considered until March when it is then decided whether to be progressed.

David Cox, chief executive at ARLA Propertymark, said: “Extending notice periods from two months to six months under the Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill will cause further shockwaves for landlords and agents.

“The proposals will make it even more difficult for landlords to reclaim possession of their property and add further longevity to an already lengthy and expensive eviction process.

“We are concerned that landlords will have no viable option of evicting problem tenants quickly and efficiently due to current court procedures.

“If landlords sell up due to the perceived risk, this will shrink the sector and contribute to landlords being more selective about who they let their property to.

“The Welsh Assembly must reconsider extending the minimum notice period and take a long-term, holistic view that supports those who are providing professional and well-managed tenancies.”