7 ways to stay motivated at work in the lead up to Christmas


The second half of the year can be a bit of a slog – the holiday season is on the horizon, but it’s still a few months away. Staying motivated and interested in work can be a battle when the sun’s shining and the beach is beckoning. Not to mention the financial stress that can come with this time of year. Shopping for friends and family or putting on a Christmas lunch – eek! Don’t stress, we’ve got you covered with tips to get you through to the end of the year.

1. Tackle a project

If work is trending a bit same-same, tackling a new project outside of the office might be just what you need to keep yourself interested. Try a DIY project like planting a veggie patch or repainting the deck to get it in tip-top shape for summer. Or, look at taking up a craft project like creating a wall hanging or compiling a photo book of the past year. When you recharge on the weekend, you’re likely to feel more motivated come Monday morning, too.

2. Step out of your comfort zone

As the weather starts to warm up, think about how you can take advantage of the longer days and try something that forces you to step outside of your comfort zone. Maybe it’s paddle-boarding, rock climbing or even joining a new fitness group. Whatever it is, think of it as an opportunity to learn something new and make some new friends while you’re at it. And, when you pick up a new skill, you also gain confidence – a fantastic trick to have up your sleeve for your job. In fact, confidence is not only key for feeling at ease in your skill level but it’s also a huge booster for motivation. Think about it, when you feel unconfident you’re definitely not motivated to head to work. Harness your confidence – you’ve got this!

3. Collaborate at work

Feeling a little bored? Look around your job and hone in on an area that interests you. Talk to your boss to see if there’s an opportunity for you to collaborate or help on a project that’s outside your day to day. You might pick up some great insights to help bolster your skills – perfect come pay review season!

4. Use your lunch break

Taking time out is becoming more and more uncommon in Australia, with 3.8 million Aussie workers saying they’re too busy to take a lunch break. But eating lunch away from your desk is important for your happiness – eating ‘aldesko’ can’t be good for you day in, day out. According to a survey by The Australia Institute, taking a lunch break helps make work more enjoyable and resulted in more productivity.

5. Squeeze in a long weekend

If you’ve got enough annual leave days, treat yourself to a long weekend. With research showing most Australians don’t use all of their annual leave, taking a day here and there should be manageable. Use it to catch up on sleep and reconnect with family, or just get into the great outdoors!

6. Start shopping now

Beat the rush and tick a few tasks off your list early, like gift buying. That way, you’ll not only avoid the last-minute stress of the season, but you’ll also be able spread the cost over a longer period. Plus, shopping when you have time means you can focus on trying to find a good deal, so you’re not pressured to buy whatever you find because you’ve left it until the last minute. You’ll be able to enjoy the best of the season without the stress. And, when you limit the stress you have outside your job, you can focus on the task at hand and (hopefully) harness that cool, calm, collected energy to stay motivated. Maybe you can get a few gifts sorted on the lunch breaks you’re taking…

7. Check in with your career goals

Now is as good a time as any to reflect on what you’ve achieved and what you’d like to tick off before the year is out. It’s good to take stock of the skills and experience you’ve gained to work out what leverage you have up your sleeve to negotiate a pay rise when the time is right. Just think every step brings you closer to securing a home loan and you’ll be in the right mindset to evaluate what goals you want to kick before you break for Christmas.

If you want to talk to your Aussie Broker about your home loan goals, feel free to get in touch here.