MT Finance hires Marylen Edwards to lead BTL team | Mortgage Strategy


MT Finance has appointed Marylen Edwards as head of buy-to-let (BTL) lending.

Edwards joins from Together, where she was a regional account manager in the South.

She started her career as a mortgage and commercial manager with Lloyd Bank in 1994, before spending 10 years as a BTL and commercial broker. 

Since then, she has held several senior roles including positions at Metro Bank and Axis Bank. 

In her new role, she will be responsible for developing and implementing the company’s Buy to Let proposition and underwriting practices and brings 28 years of experience to the company.  

Edwards’ appointment has been made ahead of MT Finance’s upcoming launch into the BTL sector.

Last month, MT Finance signed a forward flow agreement with J.P. Morgan to support the launch.

The launch into BTL follows the introduction of a regulated bridging product in 2020 and will be followed by further “new and exciting products in the coming 12 months”, MT Finance revealed.

Commenting on Edwards’ appointment, MT Finance director and founder Joshua Elash says: “We are delighted to welcome Marylen to MT Finance and look forward to working with her as we launch into the buy-to-let market.  Marylen’s experience, drive, and ambition fit perfectly with our desire to continue to develop MT Finance into the UK’s leading specialist lender.”

“Marylen will help shape our technology focussed, broker-friendly proposition as we take our first steps on this exciting new journey.”  

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