Virgin partners with Sero and Rightmove on greener homes Mortgage Strategy


Virgin Money is partnering with energy tech specialist, Sero and property portal Rightmove to help customers make their homes more energy efficient.

Virgin Money is the lead organisation of Project POWER (Partnership Outputs Working to Enable Retrofit) working alongside Sero and Rightmove.

The project is now in its discovery phase and it aims to educate customers on the bespoke retrofit options available to decarbonise their home and the benefits of doing so, while also providing affordable finance options to implement the changes.

Project POWER is funded by the Green Home Finance Accelerator fund (GHFA), part of the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP), a government initiative that aims to drive green finance innovation.

The project looks to target and reduce the 16% of emissions that come from gas and electricity use in UK homes.

Virgin Money head of secured lending Craig Calder comments: “To be part of the innovative Green Home Finance Accelerator project is important for Virgin Money as we look to reinforce our aspiration to halve our financed emissions by 2030 and deliver net zero by 2050.

“Working with industry experts Sero and Rightmove is an opportunity to research, test and learn what consumers want before we take a proposition to market – enabling us to provide a great product for customers while at the same time making a positive impact on the environment.”

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