How is the market trending for buyers in June of 2022?


Interest rates have been rising, but for those buyers who stay in the market, there will be many more opportunities to purchase for the remainder of the year. Inventory is steadily moving higher, and it's just a matter of time before Dane County breaks the 500 listing mark for the first time in 2022. 

At the same time inventory is rising, showing activity is decreasing. This means buyers will have fewer competing offers to contend with in the weeks and months ahead. 

Our over-heated market is cooling. 

And buyers will benefit by having more properties to choose from, more time search, and a lot more leverage to negotiate. So, what questions do you have about buying a home in the Madison area? We would love to be a resource for you as more opportunities become available to you in 2022.

Reach out anytime for a helpful conversation.