NRLA deputy director for policy and research passes away | Mortgage Strategy


The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has confirmed that deputy director for policy and research, John Stewart, has passed away.

Stewart joined the NRLA when it was established in 2020, prior to which he served as policy manager for the Residential Landlords Association for six years.

Before joining the RLA, Stewart was chief executive of Manchester Pride and previously served as a councillor in Aberdeen for nine years, two of which he served as leader.

NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle says: “We are desperately sad to learn of John’s passing.

“During his time at the NRLA, and prior to that the RLA, John was a popular and valued friend, colleague and mentor. He worked tirelessly for the organisation and its members with passion and conviction.

“Known for his love of Eurovision and Kilmarnock FC, John was well respected within the industry for his knowledge and experience and was committed to creating a fair and well-functioning private rented sector for landlords and tenants alike. He will be missed by many.

“Whilst we mourn his loss, we fondly remember his sense of humor, and the kindness and support he showed towards those he met and worked with. These continued to be his hallmarks, even as he faced his devastating diagnosis.

“Our heartfelt sympathies go to John’s husband, Neil, and his wider family and friends at this difficult time.”

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