Third MIMHC annual survey focuses on psychological wellbeing Mortgage Finance Gazette


The Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter (MIMHC) has launched its third annual survey as it seeks a detailed view of the key issues affecting financial workers’ emotional and psychological wellbeing.

Jason Berry, Crystal Specialist Finance

The Mortgage Industry Mental Health Survey 2024 provides employees with the opportunity to share their lived experiences so that employers can implement initiatives and support strategies which will ultimately contribute to healthier workplaces and working practices.

This year’s survey consists of 15 questions which gauge opinion on everything from sleep patterns to professional contentment as well as participants’ personal levels of mental wellbeing.

MIMHC was established to create a culture of openness and compassion within the mortgage industry by spreading a message of support and understanding while initiating meaningful discussions.

MIMHC co-founder and director of sales at Crystal Specialist Finance, Jason Berry, said that this year’s survey should yield invaluable insights about prominent issues within the industry – including isolation, stress, financial worries and fears about the future – in the wake of the pandemic and ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

“The Mortgage Industry Mental Health Survey 2024 provides everyone in the financial services industry with the chance to have their voice heard,” said Berry.

“The findings will directly help promote and safeguard mental health by gauging precisely what’s happening in workplaces now with a view to determining what needs to happen”.

He added: “I’d encourage everyone working in our sector to put a few minutes aside for the survey – it’s essential we understand fully the issues that matter most.”

Among the key questions in this year’s survey are: ‘How would you consider your overall level of mental wellbeing?’; ‘What aspects of the job have been most stressful over the last 12 months?’; and ‘What mental health and wellbeing support would you like to see your company provide?’

Last year’s Mortgage Industry Mental Health Survey discovered that nearly a quarter (23%) of participants classed their overall state of mental wellbeing as either ‘poor’ or ‘of concern’, while nearly one third (30%) had seen their work/ life balance either ‘somewhat worsen’ or ‘greatly worsen’.

MIMHC, a not-for-profit organization, was founded by Crystal Specialist Finance, Coreco, Chartwell Mortgage Services, Landbay, Brightstar, Knowledge Bank and SimplyBiz Mortgages in October 2021 and currently has 117 signatories.