Camp Lake Has A Beautiful Setting Between South and Middle Sister


The Destination is Far Better Than the Hike There

To reach Camp Lake, part of the Chambers Lakes in the Three Sisters Wilderness, hikers starting at the Pole Creek Trailhead have to trek trough 4 miles of dead trees, the result of 2012's Pole Creek Fire. We did this hike July 24, 2021 and it was a warm day. Despite the heat and the dry conditions, we saw some interesting things along the way, among them what we believe was a young Red Tailed Hawk sitting in one of the burned trees as it scouted the area for rodents. We also had fun crossing the North Fork of Whychus Creek as it flows out of Diller Glacier on Middle Sister.

The remaining 3 mile trek to Camp Lake is in alpine wooded areas with fabulous views of Middle and North Sister. Just before reaching Camp Lake, the views open and South Sister becomes the main mountain visible, towering over Camp Lake.  When we arrived midday, we were the only people at the lake. We enjoyed the solitude, soaking our feet in the lake, having lunch and relaxing before starting the 7 mile hike back to the Pole Creek Trailhead. Most people who hike this trail will spend the night in the area, perhaps hiking an additional mile to the more distant Chambers Lakes. For us, it was a full day with 14 miles round trip, 2700 feet elevation gain, and warm weather.  If you plan on taking this hike in the summer, be sure to bring plenty of water.