Company bosses ask govt to deliver on Brexit deal | Mortgage Strategy


The business community is looking to the government to seal a late trade deal over Brexit, as new research shows the vast majority do not want to crash out of the EU without an agreement.

Seventy-seven per cent of company leaders want a Brexit deal, the Confederation of British Industry’s latest polling shows.

Less that 5 per cent actively support a no-deal option, out of the 648 surveyed, the Guardian reports.

While private sector activity has started to fall at a slower pace in September, there remain fears that the economy will stay stalled until we reach the deadline for leaving the EU.

Brexit preparations have taken a hit because of Covid-19 for half of those polled.

CBI director general Carolyn Fairbairn is quoted by the paper as saying: “Next week Brexit talks enter the 11th hour. Now must be the time for political leadership and the spirit of compromise to shine through on both sides. A deal can and must be made.

“Businesses face a hat-trick of unprecedented challenges: rebuilding from the first wave of Covid-19, dealing with the resurgence of the virus, and preparing for significant changes to the UK’s trading relationship with the EU.

“A good deal will provide the strongest possible foundation as countries build back from the pandemic. It would keep UK firms competitive by minimising red tape and extra costs, freeing much needed time and resources to overcome the difficult times ahead.”

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