#LeadingWomen - Raquel Borras - Mortgage Women Magazine


Venturing out into the unknown world of running your business is often an exciting and nerve-wracking process. Adding the complexities of navigating that process during a global pandemic is nothing short of a miracle, yet Raquel Borras, Founder of “True to You Branding” has tackled this pivotal moment in her life with the level of positivity and laughter that has made her well known and loved. It was a no-brainer to select and interview her for the July 2020 #LeadingWomen feature of Mortgage Women Magazine.


  • When hearing the term #LeadingWomen, what is the first thing you think about, and how does it feel to be asked to represent this cause for the July issue?
  • When I hear the term #Leadingwomen, I immediately think of women who inspire me! So, the mere fact that I’ve been asked to represent this cause is humbling and an absolute honor!
  • Brief history on what has brought you to where you are today, as the founder of “True to You Branding.”
  • It has been a long but surprisingly amazing journey to get to the place to where I’m at today. I got married at a young age, was a stay at home mom for nine years, and then got divorced 10 years ago. Because I was focused on raising a family early on, I never had the chance to find or develop a career. It wasn’t until my divorce that my path took a significant turn at the ripe old age of 35. Since then, I had taken on many different jobs in many different industries, but after 10 years I feel I have finally found my calling and purpose. My love for personal branding and wanting to help people ultimately led me to take a huge leap of faith and start “True To You” branding at 44 years of age. Talk about being a late bloomer! HA!



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