First Time Home Buyer's Program



First Time Home Buyer’s Program

The First Time Home Buyer’s Program otherwise referred to as the FTHBI is a Canadian Government program, which contributes up to 10% to the down payment for First Time Home Buyers. This is an effort to support borrowers in their first home purchase to reduce their monthly mortgage payments, without contributing to their financial burdens. This program is a “shared equity” mortgage with the government of Canada, where you put 5% down on an existing home and they match your down payment and put another 5% down for you without any out-of-pocket or upfront costs.  If you are looking at purchasing a newly constructed home, there are options for down payments from 5-10%.

To be eligible for this government incentive program you must:

Some limitations to the program that are non-negotiable are:

This program is a popular option in BC with property values coming in at an all-time high and mortgage rates at an all-time low. Although this can be helpful in reducing your monthly mortgage payments, it does come with a few catches. Since the government of Canada will be matching your 5% down payment, they now own 5% equity in YOUR home.

In summary, this means that when you sell your house (or after 25 years) you will be paying 5% of that equity back to the government. This can feel unfair to some people as the value in their home increases, so does the 5% “shared home equity”. If your property is worth more at 25 years (or sells for more than the time of purchase) the “shared home equity” also increases, meaning they could potentially require you to pay back MORE than the original amount they lent to you at the time of purchase.

Let’s have a look at this case study:

FTHBI is a federal government initiative to help first-time homebuyers into the housing market. It is important that you understand the ins and outs of this product and work with a professional Mortgage Broker. Your Mortgage Broker will be able to look at your individual situation and walk you through your options and advise if this product would be of benefit to you.

If you are interested in an FTHBI Program, please click this link, and feel free to use the free tools to help answer any questions you may have.

Please reach out and one of our Senior Broker Partners would be more than happy to assess your unique situation and give you the best advice. At GLM Mortgage Group, we are with our clients for the entire journey. From the beginning, we can identify client needs, any possible roadblocks, and give a variety of tailored solutions. If any, please reach out and one of our Senior Broker Partners would be more than happy to assess your unique situation and give you the best advice. At GLM Mortgage Group, we are with our clients for the entire journey. From the beginning, we can identify client needs, any possible roadblocks, and give a variety of tailored solutions. If any, please reach out and one of our Senior Broker Partners would be more than happy to assess your unique situation and give you the best advice. 

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