Swansea ranks as top forever-home location | Mortgage Introducer


The average size of a home in Swansea is 131m² and the average property price is £183,025.

Cardiff ranked as the location where individuals stay the second greatest period of time in one home at 63 years and Newport at 49 years.

The former locations average property size is 115m², while the average price was listed as £248,767 and the latter’s was 122m² and £180,562.

In contrast, homebuyers stayed the shortest period of time in one home in Bristol, at an average at two years.

The average property size is 108m² and the average price is £329,490.

Reading followed, with the average homebuyer staying for three years, and in Edinburgh the average owner stays for four years.

The former locations average property size is 95m² and the average price £399,546.

Meanwhile, the latter is 71m² and £286,788.