Loggerhead Marinelife Center Rescue To Release VR Theater Show


The Sea Turtle Research, Rehabilitation and Hospital hosts a variety of calendar events every day. The most recent and popular event, Recuse to Release VR Theater Show happens every day at the Loggerhead Marinelife Center in Juno Beach. 

Recuse to Release VR Theater Show is a virtual realty experience that allows guest to follow a sea turtle’s journey from Recuse to Release back into the ocean. The narrated event uses virtual reality headsets that takes viewers into real action views and scenes of a sea turtle being recused, through the hospital, and being released back into the ocean. 

The cost is $5 dollars per person and the virtual reality experience is recommended for those eight years old and up. 

Rescue to Release VR Theater Show happens every Monday through Sunday at 1 pm and 3 pm. To register your spot, click here